I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
Richard, Richie, Piklo, is a career Art/Creative Director across industries such as; CPG, Streetwear, Health & Wellness, Music, and Cannabis.
After years of fine tuning the relationship between skillset and talent, he lends his wisdom to problems, unsolved and challenging.
Speaking the language of a designer allows communication between CFO, CEO, COO and Marketing departments, to go smoothly, within managed expectations.
Raised in the 80's/90's, Pik has a worldview that is rounding out, as we see trends reoccurring and thriving. Saturday morning cartoons, cereal and the birth of the video games were all experiments he had the pleasure of testing. Sci-fi movies and hidden knowledge gave Pik a disproportionate conspiracy scope of the world. You see this now in this current form as he is the living DBZ Sensai that is Piccolo.
Raised by a Straight-Ahead-Jazz Stepfather, Pik was not allowed to listen to Hip-Hop until the age of 14, where he began to sneak and listen to college radio and The Wake Up Show. With an unknown connection to music he followed an itch to be a part of that world.
By the age of 16, Pik was ditching to rush home and work on his Stepfather's MPC60ii and custom Rhodes, utilizing floppy discs w/ legendary and choice drums of that time. He had been inspired by what his friend Darren "Dahliam" Williams was doing in High School as an upperclassman, making his own beats and performing over them.
All of his cousins through marriage were musically talented, which kept the environment, of creativity, always present. There was so much cross-inspiration that they all are still very sought after creatively to this day.
After years of focusing on developing a solid design background, he returned to music as a sound designer and brand supporter. Not too long afterwards, he discovers his biological father, grandfather, and his siblings were phenomenal musicians.
Making cool shit.
Finding ways to stabilize and standardize the process and protection of Music Creators and their partners. Encouraging Jazz-style collaborations amongst producers and musicians, in communities where it isn't common.